Vrydag 28 Junie 2013

contoh kalimat pronouns

Contoh kalimat pronouns
-          that
# Dogs that live in the wild may have a better immune system.
# The mobile phone that I bought five years ago is still work properly.
-          Which
# The table which was made of oak wood has broken.
# He always eats bread whichever he likes.
-          Who
# The girl who is playing football on the yard is my neighbour.
# I looked for the man who borrowed me money.
-          Whom
# She is the woman to whom I wanted to meet.
# The team whom you were watching has won three gold medals.
-          Whose
# The woman whose plane I want to buy is my old friend.
# The dentist  is with a child whose teeth are causing some problems

artikel relative pronouns

Relative Pronouns can be singular or plural
Kata ganti relatif bisa tunggal ataupun jamak
form for subject - "persons"
bentuk untuk subyek - "orang"
form for object
bentuk untuk obyek
form for possessive adjective
bentuk untuk pemilik kata sifat
form for subject or object - "things"
bentuk untuk subyek atau obyek - "benda/hal"
form for subject or object - "that which"
bentuk untuk subyek atau obyek - "yang mana"
 THAT        things
*whom is not usual in talking and writing.
*whom tidak biasa dalam bahasa lisan dan tulisan.
These words take the place of a noun or pronoun that has already been said and so they are called relative pronouns: they relate to those other "things".
Kata-kata ini menggantikan kata benda atau kata ganti yang telah dinyatakan dan oleh sebab itu mereka dinamai kata ganti relatif: mereka berkaitan dengan "hal/benda" lain itu.
They are used in a statement to give extra knowledge of what is talked about in it.
Mereka dipergunakan dalam pernyataan untuk memberitahukan apa yang dibicarakan di dalamnya.
A relative pronoun may be the subject or the object of the statement, but it always comes at its start.
Kata ganti relatif mungkin menjadi subyek atau obyek dari pernyataan, tetapi senantiasa ditempatkan di bagian awal.
"Who" is used for persons and "which" is used for animals or things.
"Who" dipakai bagi orang dan "which" dipakai untuk binatang atau hal/benda.
They may be either singular or plural.
Mereka mungkin tunggal atau jamak.
If the statement does not need to say something about a previous noun or pronoun, "who" or "which" may have the words "this" or "those" before them:
Jika pernyataan tidak mengatakan sesuatu mengenai kata benda atau kata ganti sebelumnya, "who" atau "which" mungkin mengikuti kata "this" atau "those" di depannya:
those who go to her do not come back again
Mereka yang pergi menemuinya tidak kembali lagi
those who have given me their love are loved by me
saya mencintai mereka yang telah mencintai saya
those who had taken us prisoner made request for a song
Mereka yang telah memenjarakan kami meminta dinyanyikan lagu
those who had taken away all that we had gave us orders
Mereka yang telah mengambil semua milik kami memberikan perintah
If these statements had been for one person "this" would have been used in place of "those".
Jika pernyataan ini ditujukan kepada satu orang saja "this" digunakan sebagai ganti dari "those".
The possessive adjective "whose", may be used for both persons and things.
Pemilik kata sifat "whose", bisa digunakan baik bagi orang maupun benda.
Like the other relative forms it is put before the statement and the noun it is referring to comes after it, whether that noun is the subject or the object:
Seperti bentuk relatif lainnya "whose" ditempatkan di depan pernyataan dan kata benda yang digantikan mengikutinya, entah kata benda itu subyek atau obyek:
those whose words are false
Meraka yang berbohong
those whose acts are false
Mereka yang menipu
he whose heart is glad has an unending feast .
Orang yang bersukacita tidak pernah berhenti memuji.
he whose ways are upright will go safely.
Orang yang benar akan selamat.
those whose acts are true are his delight
Orang yang bersukacita karena perbuatannya yang benar
The other word in our Table is "what".
Kata yang lain di tabel kita adalah "what".
It has the sense of "that which":
Mempunyai pengertian "yang":
I will say what I have.
Saya akan mengatakan apa yang saya miliki.
who is able to keep from saying what is in his mind?
Siapa yang dapat mencegah sesorang menyatakan apa yang ada di benaknya?
I will not say what is false to your face.
Saya tidak akan mengatakan kebohongan di hadapanmu.
"What" may also be used when a question is asked:
"What" juga mungkin digunakan untuk bertanya:
what am I to give you?
Apa yang bisa saya berikan kepadamu?
what is the upright man to do?
apa yang dilakukan oleh orang benar?
what is man?
Siapakah manusia?
what is it to him?
Apa artinya bagi dia?
what were all those herds which I saw on the way?
Kawanan ternak apa yang saya jumpai di jalan?
Untuk menunjuk pada benda lainnya atau hewan, gunakan relative pronouns: which,
- a book to which I often refer
- the cat which was sitting on the mat